SAMRC Extra-Mural Postdoctoral Programme: Career Development Intervention at SAMRC Extramural Research Units
The South African Medical Research Council's Division of Research Capacity Development (RCD) invites applications from Postdoctoral Fellows who have obtained their Doctoral degrees not more than five (5) years before the date of application and who are immediately available to start working within one of the SAMRC Extramural Research Units (EMU) based at South African research institutions with priority given to new units in their first 5 years, and the units based at Historically disadvantaged institutions (HDIs)
Interested applicants should contact the Unit Directors to obtain details on the available projects. Due to limited budget, only one application per unit is allowed.
The aim of the Award
The overarching objective of the SAMRC's Division of RCD is to enhance the long-term sustainability of health research in South Africa by providing funding for the next generation of health researchers. The SAMRC's Extramural Units are external research entities commissioned by SAMRC to conduct research on its behalf. This research - which includes basic laboratory investigations, clinical research and public health studies - is undertaken by scientists employed by different South African and international science councils, medical schools, universities and research institutions that work with the SAMRC.
Postdoctoral fellows play a crucial role in strengthening research teams and postgraduate student supervision. The purpose of the SAMRC Extramural Postdoctoral Programme is to assist in accelerating research capacity development and scientific leadership by creating opportunities to host and retain postdoctoral scientists that have demonstrated the potential to become established researchers. It seeks to build research capacity and scientific leadership of early-career scientists within EMUs, taking into account transformation requirements, and thus focusing mainly on but not limited to black and female individuals who have demonstrated potential to become excellent researchers.
The purpose of this Request for Applications is to attract and fund Postdoctoral Fellows under the SAMRC Extramural Postdoctoral Programme as a career development intervention in Extramural Research Units hosted with priority given to new units in their first 5 years, and HDIs. The units who have not received fellowship awards previously are encouraged to apply.
The intervention seeks to address the difficulties of EMUs in contributing to training and facilitating the retention of talented young scientists with the potential to establish themselves within the Units as independent scientists. It is expected to strengthen the research teams of SAMRC EMUs. This will be done by financially supporting and encouraging newly graduated PhDs to join the postdoctoral programmes in the EMUs, encouraging peer-review publications, supervision training, research project proposal development and grant applications for funding, and preparing promising scientists for research and academic leadership positions within the institutions.
Value and Duration of the Award
On a full-time basis, the value of the award will be R350 000 (three hundred and fifty thousand Rand) (tax-free funding) per annum. The period of funding is three years, renewable for an additional two years, subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funding for the programme.
Requirements to host a Research Fellow
The hosting EMU and the supervisor must demonstrate that the postdoctoral Fellow will be supported in terms of research infrastructure and research expenses, supervision and career development to reach their independent investigator status.
In the Expression of Interest form, the Unit Directors must provide the following:
- The rationale for the Unit to host a postdoctoral fellow (motivation by the Unit Director)
- Evidence of an approved/funded research proposal with ethical approval (where applicable)
- Evidence of a proven track record in research supervision and mentorship
- Evidence of available support structures and infrastructure to host a postdoctoral researcher
- A clear plan for the academic development of the Postdoctoral Fellow (clear mentorship plan)
Obligations of the Postdoctoral Fellow
The Fellow shall act as a researcher on the project that he/she applies for and will spend a minimum of 80% of their time on the project. The Fellow will negotiate a performance contract with the supervisor/mentor. Successful applicants and the host institution will be required to sign a contractual agreement with the SAMRC.
Eligibility criteria
- South African citizens and permanent residents (preferably under 45) may apply.
- Applicants must have obtained their Doctoral degree no more than five (5) years prior to application.
- Candidates who are still waiting for graduation need a strong motivation from the host Unit (Unit Director or the PI).
- Motivation from female candidates who are returning after a period of absence from research due to family responsibilities may be considered.
- Preference will be given to female candidates and historically disadvantaged groups. For this reason, we require race and gender to be specified.
- Disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply.
Selection Process
- The Unit and the postdoctoral applicant complete and submit an application. Before application, the postdoc contacts the Unit for the project details. The Eligible applications are peer-reviewed and evaluated by a panel comprising the SAMRC's RCD Grant Selection Committee, which scores the application against standard objective criteria.
- The research proposals submitted by the host in the Expression of Interest must be of high quality and relevant research area and expected outputs must be outlined and linked to SAMRC’s strategic research priorities.
- While previously disadvantaged individuals will receive preference, the skill suitability, academic merit/potential of the applicant as a researcher must be ranked high. An optional interview may be conducted by RCD as part of the review and selection process.
- Collaboration with SAMRC Intramural Research Units is encouraged.
The South African Medical Research Council reserves the right to disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications, change the conditions of award, extend the closing date or to make no awards at all. Please note that we will endeavour to contact successful candidates within 45days after the closing date.
Application Process
- Before application, the postdoctoral applicant contacts the Unit for the project details.
- The applicant unit completes the online form here by no later than 13 January 2025 (extended to 17 January 2025).
- In addition, completed application forms with the supporting documentation must be emailed to, before or on the closing date (extended to 17 January 2025) at 23h59.
- No late submissions will be considered.
The supporting documents include the following:
- Applicant's CV and full publication list
- Certified copies of ID and PhD certificate
- A written motivation from the host supervisor with details of the research project on which the Fellow will be engaged
- A written commitment from the supervisor to provide all necessary support as well as the running expenses of the proposed research project
- At least two referees' contact details
Contact details
For further enquiries: contact Dr Frederic Nduhirabandi (email: or Tel: +27 21 938 0461).
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
As of 1 July 2021, the new Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) came into full effect. The law is designed to protect how all juristic persons use, store and process data. You can read the full details on the act here:
The SAMRC as a responsible statutory science council will comply with POPIA. The SAMRC will receive personal information through applications submitted to the SAMRC for the purposes of applying for funding. The personal information requested on the application template is necessary for the SAMRC to fully evaluate the applications for funding. This information will be shared with members of Selection Committees of the SAMRC and external funders and/or stakeholders where applicable as well as the SAMRC management for the purposes of processing the applications. The SAMRC will process this personal information strictly in accordance with POPIA. The SAMRC undertakes specifically to process the personal information on the basis that (a) it was provided voluntarily and (b) the information will be processed only as far may be necessary and within the limitation and ambit of the purpose of evaluating the application for funding (i.e., the purpose with which the personal information was received). The SAMRC confirms that it is lawfully processing the information since the purpose of processing is to seek quality research proposals for funding which the SAMRC is mandated to do in terms of Section 4 of the SAMRC Act 58 of 1991, thus the SAMRC is fulfilling its legislated and lawful mandate, and strategic objectives as provided for in the SAMRC Act.